This ride wasn’t really about sponsorship… it was about me wanting to do something to mark my 50th birthday. That said, it seemed silly to take on something like this without raising some money. On that basis, I selected two charities:
The first, St Peter’s Hospice in Bristol, reflects the fact that my good friend and former colleague Rachel Heery died from cancer almost exactly a year ago. She asked that donations at her funeral were sent to this charity. I like the fact that this charity is local to me and has touched someone I knew directly. I’ll be thinking of Rachel as I ride.
The second, Book Aid International, is more general but reflects my own interests in education and books. Whilst it is tempting these days to think about sending technology (my other… err.. love?) to the third world, I can’t help thinking that this charity’s work is more likely to have significant impact on the areas in which it works.
I’m really grateful for all the donations – the money was be split evenly between the two charities.
Overall, I raised £3600 which is fantastic.